Ileana Bello
Expert for CRBB 1.0
Executive Director at DCl's International Secretariat
She is an expert on the functioning of the UN mechanisms in practice. She is in regular contact with the members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child with whom she has an excellent relationship. Ileana represents DCI on the United Nations Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice (IPJJ). Her strategic position and her role in Geneva will be essential to coordinating the collection of information and expertise within various bodies and NGOs, which is essential for this project.

Anne-Sophie Bonnet
Expert for CRBB 1.0
Controller at the General Control of places of deprivation of liberty
She is member of General Control of places of deprivation of liberty (penal institutions, psychiatric hospitals, secure supervision centres, administrative detention centres in particular), i.e. the French national prevention mechanism aiming to ensure that the fundamental rights of persons deprived of liberty are respected. In this context, the special situation of children deprived of liberty remains of particular concern. Previously, Ms Bonnet was a delegate for the International Committee of the Red Cross, for which she was in charge of child protection programmes in various countries.

Bernard De Vos
Expert for CRBB 1.0 and CRBB 2.0
Delegate of the French Community for the Rights of the Child Belgium, ENOC Chairman (2013-2014)
General Delegate of the French Community for the Rights of the Child Belgium since March 2008 and ENOC Chairman (2013-2014), Bernard De Vos has been director of a special service provided to young people in Brussels for more than 15 years. He has also created several innovative services in the field of youth protection and assistance and he is the author numerous books and articles on childhood and youth issues.

Malcolm Evans
Expert for CRBB 1.0
Chairperson of the SPT, Professor of Public International Law at the University of Bristol
Malcolm Evans is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Bristol. He is a member and Chair of the UN Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture (SPT) and currently the Vice Chair of the Meeting of Chairs of UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies. He is also a member of the Foreign Secretary’s Human Rights Advisory Group. From 2002 – 2013 he was a member of the OSCE ODIHR Advisory Council on the Freedom of Religion or Belief.

Paula Jack
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Experienced justice practitioner specialising in developing and implementing best practice initiatives in youth justice systems
Paula Jack held the position of Chief Executive of the Youth Justice Agency Northern Ireland from 2010 until 2014. As Chief Executive she was responsible for administration and putting into practice of the primary goal of the Youth Justice Agency to reduce youth crime and to build confidence in the youth justice through the delivery of best practice initiatives in juvenile detention and in the community. She is currently on leave from her position as Chief Executive of the Youth Justice Agency in Northern Ireland, in order to work in a advisory capacity internationally, focusing on youth justice law and practices by drawing on firsthand experience of the political, structural and practical challenges faced in delivering youth justice services in Northern Ireland.

Philip D. Jaffé
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Director, Institut universitaire Kurt Bösch, Switzerland
He is an expert in child rights recognized by the Council of Europe (he was one of the experts who participated in the drafting of the Guidelines of the Council of Europe on “child-friendly justice”) and by various European governments. We found his expertise on hearings of children in court proceedings as a key asset for this project. In addition, his well-known career in the field of psychology is a different as well as necessary approach for the implementation of the project.

Ursula Kilkelly
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Professor of Law at the University College Cork, Head of the Faculty of Law
She is a researcher in children's rights and specialized in the field of juvenile justice and detention. She has published numerous books and articles on juvenile justice and has undertaken important research concerning children in judicial proceedings and children deprived of their liberty. In 2010, she undertook a broad European consultation with children about their experiences for the Council of Europe and has also participated in the implementation of the Guidelines on child-friendly justice.

Ton Liefaard
Expert for CRBB 1.0
Holds the UNICEF Chair, Professor of Children's Rights, Leiden University, Law School, Netherlands
Professor of Children’s Rights, he publishes widely on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child regarding the situation of children at the national level. He is also in charge of consultancies for international organisations, including different agencies within the United Nations and the Council of Europe, in particular on issues related to children’s rights, juvenile justice, child-friendly justice, child protection and alternative care, and violence against children.

Nikhil Roy
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Programme Development Director at Penal Reform International (PRI)
Author of several contributions on child detention and toolkits, Nikhil Roy is currently Programme Development Director at Penal Reform International (PRI), working on criminal justice reform worldwide. He has extensive experience on human rights issues, including on access to justice, alternatives to imprisonment and juvenile justice and has worked on projects in these areas around the world.

Sonja Snacken
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Professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. Former expert from the CPT
She is Professor of Criminology, Penology, Sociology of Law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She has acted as an expert for the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) since 1994, monitoring places of detention all over Europe. She was a member and the chair of the Council for Penological Cooperation of the CoE (2001-2012), which drafted the 2006 European Prison Rules and the 2008 European Rules for juvenile offenders subject to sanctions or measures.

Nevena Vuckovic
Expert for CRBB 1.0
Former member of the CRC. Founding member of the Child Rights Centre – Belgrade
She is a founder member of the Child Rights Centre of children’s rights in Belgrade and a former member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child. Nevena is an internationally recognized expert in the rights of the Child and in juvenile justice (she has taught at the Serbian University of Belgrade). Her unique multidisciplinary approach and her expertise on international standards in human rights make her contribution to this project extremely valuable.