The first phase of the project, CRBB1.0, was implemented in collaboration with 16 European organizations.
The second phase of the project, CRBB2.0, is implemented in collaboration with 5 European organizations which already took part in the first phase.
Please find hereunder a description of all the partners involved in those projects with details on which one of them was involved either in CRBB1.0 or in CRBB1.0 and CRBB2.0.
Partner in CRBB 1.0
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM) was established in 1992 as independent research centre with the aim of contributing to the scientific discourse on human rights at the national, European and global level. The Institute wishes to contribute to the strengthening of human rights and to improve the living conditions of people who are persecuted, discriminated against or otherwise marginalised. BIM sees itself as part of the scientific community, taking on the role of interlocutor between the State, business, media and civil society. Its research methods are dedicated to the principles of human rights: based on empowerment, equality of all human beings and the participation of all parties concerned. The Institute is working on a broad range of human rights topics arising from current social questions and wishes to take an active role in developing and discussing upcoming topics in contemporary international human rights discourse.
Coordinator of CRBB 1.0 and CRBB 2.0
Defence for Children – Belgium is the Belgian section of the NGO Defence for Children International (DCI), whose goal is to promote and protect children's rights at the local, regional, national and global levels. DCI's four main areas of intervention are: migrant children, juvenile justice, the right to expression and the right to education. DCI-Belgium has been working in the field of juvenile justice for many years, seeking to increase respect for the rights of the children in the justice system. The association has set up a close collaboration with all the monitoring mechanisms at international and at national level where DCI has a national section. Currently, DCI is the leading partner of the European project "Children's Rights Behind Bars", which aims to increase the international juvenile justice standards to protect the needs of incarcerated children.
Funding partner in CRBB 1.0 and CRBB 2.0
The Houtman Fund was established in 1989 following a bequest from Herman Houtman in favour of the Office of Birth and Childhood. For 25 years, the Fund has promoted and supported actions and research-actions in the field of children in difficulty. Mistreatment, sexual abuse, social or cultural exclusion, drugs, diseases, etc. There are many physical, psychological and social difficulties that may hinder the proper development of a child regardless of their living environment and/or background. One of the major concerns of the Fund is based on the following objective: that the results of the work being undertaken must benefit the greatest number of concerned actors, including the families and children targeted as a priority for these actions, all types of childhood professionals working in the concerned field, social services, intervention networks in the social sphere, etc. That is, a great diversity of interests and uses.
Partner in CRBB 1.0
The University of Tartu was founded in 1632 by the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus. The University of Tartu (UT) remains today the only classical university in Estonia. Research at UT focuses on subjects as diverse as medicine, philosophy, genetics and computer science. UT is Estonia's leading centre of research and training. It preserves the culture of the Estonian people and spearheads the country's reputation in research and the delivery of higher education. UT includes nine faculties and four colleges. To support and develop the professional competence of its students and academic staff, the university has entered into bilateral co-operation agreements with 64 partner institutions in 23 countries. In the context of the project Children's Rights Behind Bars, the partnership is established with the Institute of Social Studies.
Partner in CRBB 1.0
DCI-France is the French section of the NGO Defence for Children International, incorporated on 20 November 1998. Its goal is to ensure the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. DCI-France considers the indivisibility of the rights recognized by the Convention on the Rights of the Child taken in its entirety and therefore monitors all their rights in all areas: identity, family, health, living conditions, education and training, recreation, justice, etc. It works for the rights of children being respected without exception, both legally and in their daily lives. DCI-France and its local delegations pressure governments by questioning them and by making concrete proposals. The association also reports to the monitoring bodies about the application of international conventions, participates in research and in European working groups and networks various experts to stimulate a theoretical and practical reflection on current issues.
Partner in CRBB 1.0
The Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) is Ireland's leading non-governmental organisation which campaigns for respecting of human rights in the penal system, and for imprisonment to be used as a last resort. IPRT achieves progressive reform through advocacy based on solid evidence and research (carrying out research studies and publishing and disseminating policy positions); raising awareness ; and working constructively with others (government, other agencies in the criminal justice system, NGOs,etc.). It engages in a wide range of policy and practice issues related to youth justice, such as the provision for alternatives to detention, diversion and early intervention programmes. The NGO also campaigns for the rights and needs of the children of prisoners.
Partner in CRBB 1.0 and CRBB 2.0
DCI Italy is a voluntary organization established in Italy in 2005 which focuses on protecting and promoting the rights of the child. Its main areas of intervention are juvenile justice; migration; children on the move: protection from violence, exploitation and trafficking; media and children's rights; and training activities on participation and human rights. In the specific field of juvenile justice, DCI Italy has recently been working on a project targeting children post criminal proceedings which has resulted in the creation of an independent and voluntary service aimed at orientation and promoting the connection between children and the resources available in the territory for successful integration after the penal experience.
Partner in CRBB 2.0
The Ministry of Justice - Department of Juvenile and Community Justice (DJCJ)

Address: 24, Via Damiano Chiesa - 00136, Rome, Italy
Partner in CRBB 1.0
The Ombudsman's Office of the Republic of Latvia as the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) is an institutionally and functionally independent, beneficial and autonomous actor of public law. The Ombudsman's main tasks are encouraging the protection of human rights and the promotion of good administration. The Ombudsman of Latvia at the same time is the Children's Ombudsman of Latvia and member of European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC). The Ombudsman is responsible for securing, protecting and fostering the rights of children and the supervision of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international norms to which Ltvia is bound, as well as implementation of national regulatory acts in the field of the rights of children.
Partner in CRBB 1.0
The Association nationale des communautés éducatives et sociales a.s.b.l. (ANCES), the national section of FICE (International Federation of Educative Communities), is a platform for Social Work in Luxembourg, which promotes dialogue between different professional, institutional and societal actors in the field of social and educational work in Luxembourg by organising conferences, meetings and visits, as well as by publishing a professional journal named "Arc". The association works for the international exchange by participating in and organising international events. It is affiliated as a national section of the "International Association for Training, Research and Social Intervention."
Partner in CRBB 1.0
Defence for Children The Netherlands is an independent children's rights organisation, founded in 1989. Defence for Children The Netherlands is dedicated to ensuring on-going, practical, systematic and concerted national and international action aimed at promoting and protecting children's rights as articulated by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, its optional protocols and all other human rights standards and instruments. The actions of Defence for Children The Netherlands include advancing and monitoring the implementation of standards for children's rights; advocating and lobbying for children's rights; targeted research; technical support and training professionals in the implementation of children's rights; advice and support for children, parents and professionals through the Children's Rights Helpdesk. Defence for Children The Netherlands is member of the global network Defence for Children International with about 40 member organisations worldwide.
Partner in CRBB 1.0 and CRBB 2.0
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights is a non-governmental organization established in 1989 in Warsaw in order to promote human rights. The HFHR is the oldest and the largest human rights organization in Poland, having already operated for over 20 years. Its objective is the promotion of human rights in Poland and countries in the post-Soviet region. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has been running the program "Rights of Children" since 1993. Within the program the foundation mainly carries out action in the areas of education, intervention and monitoring. Since January 2013 Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has been a member of the program "Children Deprived of Liberty: Between Legacy and Reform".
Partner in CRBB 1.0
The West University in Timisoara (WUT) is one of the universities in Romania committed to promoting academic education and research while upholding the best standards in Romania and in Europe. The strategy of WUT regarding the development of research builds-up the national and international image of the university based on its contributions to the development of knowledge and of its commitment to the continued promotion of the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research ( The Centre for Research in Child-Parent Interaction (CICOP) is a research unit of the Social Work Department at the West University in Timisoara. CICOP was certified in 2005 by the Minister of Education in Romania. The research unit develops research and training activities and is edits the journal Today's Children - Tomorrow's Parents ( Continuity in its work, connections and partnerships with CICOP are important strengths of its development strategy.
Partner in CRBB 1.0
The Child Rights Centre is a non-party-affiliated, non-profit and non-governmental organisation, whose main aim is the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Centre's activities are accordingly focused on the adoption and implementation of the laws, policies and practices which enable the promotion of the wellbeing of the child, the protection of their rights and their full participation in society. The Child Rights Centre carries out its activities in the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia. So far, the Centre has organised a large number seminars in the domain of child rights for other civil society organisations and for professionals working in justice, social protection, police, media, education, etc. The Child Rights Centre's priorities are to strengthen efforts in the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, informing the public about the situation of child rights in the country and their promotion while disseminating the notion of child rights through direct work with professionals.
Partner in CRBB 1.0
Proyecto Solidario is an international human rights organization that promotes, protects and defends the rights of children and adolescents in Europe, North Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, contributing to the transformation of reality and working with states and various social, academic and economic actors regarding the development of public policies and programs adapted to each context which ensure children, adolescents and their families the enjoyment and full realization of their human rights. Proyecto Solidario has as a benchmark the Convention on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations, its Optional Protocols and other international human rights instruments, and works in the context of development cooperation, direct action and advocacy influencing public policy towards the human rights of children and adolescents.
Partner in CRBB 1.0 and CRBB 2.0
The Howard League for Penal Reform is a UK national charity working for less crime, safer communities and fewer people in prison. Too much money is spent on a penal system which does not work, does not make communities safer and fails to reduce offending. The associations works with parliament and the media, with criminal justice professionals, students and members of the public, influencing debate and forcing through meaningful change to create safer communities. It campaigns on a wide range of issues including short term prison sentences, real work in prison, children in prison and community sentences. The Howard League for Penal Reform is the oldest penal reform charity in the UK; it is entirely independent of government and is funded by voluntary donations and membership subscriptions.
Partner in CRBB 1.0 and CRBB 2.0
The Council of Europe is the continent's leading human rights organisation. It includes 47 member states, 28 of which are members of the European Union. All of its member states have signed the European Convention on Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Council of Europe advocates freedom of expression and of the media, freedom of assembly, equality, and protection of minorities. It has launched campaigns on issues such as child protection and the rights of the Roma. The Council of Europe helps member states fight corruption and terrorism and undertake necessary judicial reforms. Its group of constitutional experts offer legal advice to countries throughout the world. The Council of Europe promotes human rights through international conventions, such as the Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and the Convention on Cybercrime. It monitors member states' progress in these areas and makes recommendations through independent expert monitoring bodies.

Address: Avenue de l'Europe, 67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00
Partner in CRBB 1.0
Created in 1985, the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is today the main coalition of international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. With 311 affiliated organisations in its SOS-Torture Network and with many tens of thousands correspondents in every country, OMCT is the most important network of non-governmental organisations working for the protection and the promotion of human rights in the world. The association benefits from a long-standing integration of a child rights dimension into its torture work, focusing its activities especially on the protection of children deprived of liberty from torture and other forms of violence, and in promoting and defending their rights through prevention, denunciation, reparation and advocacy.